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Ultrasonic Teeth Cleaning

We are now offering teeth cleaning for dogs! Have you noticed your dogs breath smelling more or their teeth becoming dirty? Book in for a free teeth examination to see what we can offer!


How does it work?

Our Emmi-pet toothbrush works by sending ultrasonic waves down the bristles. These create tiny micro bubbles when worked with our special toothpaste. The micro bubbles help bubble off any plaque and tartar build up, enough to 'flick off' carefully. This is a silent, non vibrating and stress free option for dogs, to prevent them needing to go for a full veterinary dental.


Suitability and Cost

This treatment is not suitable for some dogs as we cannot offer it to extreme tartar build up, aggressive dogs, dogs with damaged teeth and gums or loose teeth.

How to book:

First, a free teeth examination that can be booked during their groom or as a separate appointment to see their suitability.

Then we book a first session, this is £45 for the first session, and includes their own toothbrush head and a consultation to go through the terms and conditions. This cannot be booked online.

Some dogs only need one session, some may need up to 10, depending on how much build up. Top up sessions are £20 for 30 minutes, and should be done weekly until the teeth are all clean. Once they are clean, we recommend a top up every 8 weeks or less to keep on top of them.

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